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Signature shade No. 13: Tree-t Yourself

Giving back with One Tree Planted

Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitats to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity. Forests provide jobs to over 1.6 billion people, are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines, and absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere. 

In fact, on that last point, planting billions of trees across the world is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle climate change.  As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global heating.  Read on to learn more about how this signature shade is helping flight deforestation and climate change.

Climate Action with One Tree Planted: About Us


Why does it matter to us at Good Paint?

It's no secret that attention to climate change is heating up worldwide.  From the #FridaysforFuture protests spearheaded by Swedish child activist Greta Thunburg to the decarbonization commitments that we're beginning to see businesses make, its clear that the way that people think and talk about the future is changing.  The science is also becoming increasingly clear.  In 2018, the world’s leading climate scientists warned that there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, the temperature required to limit catastrophic events.  This means that the next decade is crucial.  It's the action we take in this next decade that will determine the fate of humanity.

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Climate Action with One Tree Planted: Welcome
Foggy Forest


It's sometimes hard to know where to start, in the face of what feels like a lot of doom and gloom with climate change. Sometimes it feels too overwhelming to feel like anything you do can actually make a difference.  But when everyone acts together to make small changes every day, it really does add up to something big.  We're starting with planting trees.

Climate Action with One Tree Planted: About Us
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Planting billions of trees across the world is one of the biggest and cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle climate change, according to scientists.  As trees grow, they absorb and store the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global heating. New research estimates that a worldwide planting program could remove two-thirds of all the emissions from human activities that remain in the atmosphere today, a figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing”.

Climate Action with One Tree Planted: About Us
Climate Action with One Tree Planted: Video
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